Hug Engineering will equip the largest Italian gas-engine power plant!
Large gas engines are essential for the power production in highly industrialized regions in northern Italy. These engines are operating with the efficient lean burn principle and are used for balancing Power Grid and Combined Heat & Power (CHP) applications.
Last year, Hug Engineering has been trusted to equip 10 large mid-speed gas engines for a total of 140MW across different power plants located in various regions. As Italy undertakes its 2030 national energy, climate, and decarbonization plan, Hug Engineering has recently been awarded to supply SCR + Oxi aftertreatment systems for a new flexible power plant to reach the strictest emission levels. It will be built in the Lombardy region by a major power generation player. It will be the largest power plant in Italy operating on gas fueled internal combustion engines.
With this project, Hug Engineering will provide to this customer reliable exhaust aftertreatment solutions to equip mid-speed gas engines for a total of 250+MW across different power plants located in various Italian regions.
The fast-starting internal combustion engine technology will be used to balance the power system and ensure its stability when the share of renewables is increased.
As one of the cleanest fossil fuels, natural gas is a key transitional fuel. Even though exhaust gas emissions from natural gas engine are already very low, Hug Engineering best-in-class systems reach the lowest emissions level for a clean tomorrow.