Note Legali

Responsabilità editoriale

Il proprietario e l'editore di questo sito web è Hug Engineering AG, società svizzera di diritto svizzero con un capitale sociale di CHF 21'400'000, la cui sede principale si trova a Im Geren, 8352 Elsau - Svizzera, e che è iscritta al registro di commercio del cantone di Zurigo con il numero CHE-116.380.571.
Hug Engineering è una società del gruppo Ogepar
Il suo numero di partita IVA è CHE-116.380.571 MWST.
Hug Engineering può essere contattata al numero di telefono +41 52 368 24 65, così come attraverso il modulo di contatto accessibile da tutte le pagine del nostro sito.
Il direttore della pubblicazione è Fabien Milanesi, amministratore delegato di Hug Engineering.
Il sito è ospitato da Metanet, Josefstrasse 218, 8005 Zurigo, Svizzera.


Responsabilità legale

Il sito internet di Hug Engineering ( ("il sito" o "il sito") ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni sulle attività, le sedi geografiche, i settori di attività, i prodotti e i risultati finanziari di Hug Engineering.

Hug Engineering compie ogni sforzo per garantire che le informazioni contenute in questo Sito siano accurate e aggiornate e si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche al contenuto in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso. Tuttavia, Hug Engineering non può garantire l'accuratezza, l'esattezza e la completezza di tali informazioni. Più in generale, Hug Engineering declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali errori, imprecisioni o omissioni e per tutti i danni, compresi quelli derivanti dall'intrusione di un terzo che conduce a modifiche delle informazioni messe a disposizione su questo Sito.

Le informazioni messe a disposizione su questo Sito, così come in questo avviso legale o nella Privacy Policy, non possono essere considerate come informazioni finanziarie o come incoraggiamento ad investire o speculare sui titoli di mercato di Hug Engineering.

Pertanto, l'utente riconosce di utilizzare tali informazioni sotto la propria esclusiva responsabilità.

Hug Engineering non è in alcun modo responsabile di eventuali danni o perdite, dirette o indirette, di qualsiasi natura, conseguenti alla visita di queste pagine o di pagine accessibili tramite link ipertestuali messi a disposizione su questo Sito.

Allo stesso modo, Ogepar e Hug Engineering non sono responsabili dei danni che possono derivare dall'accesso al Sito, compresi i danni o i virus che possono infettare il materiale informatico o qualsiasi altra proprietà appartenente agli utenti.

Proprietà intellettuale

Tutti i componenti del Sito, così come il Sito stesso, sono protetti dalle leggi sulla proprietà intellettuale e in particolare dai diritti d'autore (© Hug Engineering 2021). Tutti questi elementi e in particolare marchi, loghi, testi, dati, disegni, grafici, foto, animazioni, suoni, codici informatici, compresi i documenti scaricabili, sono di proprietà di Hug Engineering o dei suoi titolari di diritti.
E' pertanto severamente vietato copiare, distribuire, riprodurre, modificare, distorcere o trasmettere il Sito o elementi di esso senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta di Hug Engineering. Hug Engineering vieta in particolare qualsiasi estrazione di una parte qualitativamente o quantitativamente sostanziale del contenuto del Sito, così come qualsiasi utilizzo non autorizzato dei marchi, dei marchi e dei loghi che compaiono sul Sito. Solo l'uso personale del Sito per scopi di consulenza è consentito senza autorizzazione.
Hug Engineering si riserva il diritto di perseguire qualsiasi atto di violazione dei propri diritti di proprietà intellettuale, anche nell'ambito di un'azione penale.


Informativa sulla privacy

We wish to inform you here about the processing of your data: what kind of personal data we collect when you visit our Site, for what purposes they will be used, etc.

For the sake of transparency, we have summarized in the table below the main purposes for which we collect your data, the data collected for this purpose and the maximum duration during which it is retained. You will, of course, find more detailed information in paragraphs 3 and 4 below. 


Categories of data concerned

Purposes of their use

Legal basis

Retention period

Pages visited, time spent on each page, time between visits, etc.

Design a more fluid and ergonomic Site where you can find relevant information more easily

Your consent, via the settings of your internet browser

14 months, then anonymization of the data (statistics)

Name and surname, email address, phone, country, any information contained in the request

  • Respond to your requests

  • Inform you about products and services that you are interested in or that are complementary

  • It is our legitimate interest (and yours as well) that we may answer your questions

  • Your consent, which is presumed in BtoB, given your interest in our products

3 years from our last contact with you

Traces of computer connection to our Site

Ensure our computer security

It is our legitimate interest to protect our Website from fraud and attacks

12 months

Similarly, you have certain rights regarding the use of your data (access, modification, deletion, opposition to processing, etc.) that you can exercise directly through our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). To find out more about the rights you are entitled to, we invite you to go to paragraph 10 of our Privacy Policy.

To exercise these rights (on condition of proof of your identity), you can contact the DPO, appointed by Hug Engineering to handle issues related to the protection of your data:

  • by email to the address;
  • or by post, by writing to the Faurecia Data Protection Officer, 23-27 rue des Champs Pierreux, 92 000 Nanterre Cedex – France. 

All other relevant information (third parties accessing data, relationship with our service providers, transfer of your data outside the European Economic Area in some cases, etc.) can be found in the following paragraphs of our Privacy Policy, of which we hope you will enjoy the reading.


1. Privacy Policy Scope

This Privacy Policy applies to the Hug Engineering ( ("the Website" or "the Site"). It is specific to the data processing carried out on this site.

It must be applied to all Hug Engineering employees and potential subcontractors, wherever they are located in the world.


2. What is personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to a person who is either identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly. For instance, your name, pseudonym that you use online, your picture, your address, your phone number, etc., are personal data. Information that does not allow us to establish a connection with you is not personal data.


3. What data are we likely to collect and process?

You can visit most pages of the Site without revealing your identity. However, if you wish to ask a question through our contact form, we will ask you to provide data identifying you, including your first and last names, your email address, your telephone number and your country so that we can answer you. We will indicate with an asterisk (*) the data that we absolutely need to have to be able to process your request and therefore answer your questions. 

Moreover, as we particularly wish to attract talented person from all over the world, we have created pages dedicated to employment in Hug Engineering companies. If you are interested in our job offers, you may create an account where you send us additional personal information in order to apply for job vacancies at Hug Engineering. Further information relating to the collection, processing and use of your personal data by Hug Engineering will be provided upon registration, as part of a dedicated Privacy Policy.

Furthermore, when you access information on our Site, data that may lead to a potential identification are recorded on our servers (for example the date, the time, and the pages visited, as well as your IP address) so that you can reach the requested page or for security reasons. At the end of the session, this data is either immediately deleted, or anonymized so that it can be analyzed statistically, or stored for a period of 12 months (if necessary for security reasons).

Lastly, cookies may be placed on your browser on this occasion. For more information, we invite you to read our paragraph 6 that is dedicated to it.


4. For what purposes does Hug Engineering process and use your data?

We use your data for the following purposes:

  • for reasons related to system security (on IP logs, for example to avoid computer attacks through an overload of our servers);
  • to design a more fluid and ergonomic Site where you find relevant information more easily. In order to do so, we need to know for instance which page was accessed to and when, which page is the most visited, etc. We carry out this kind of analysis through the "Google Analytics" tool (see paragraph 9 below);
  • to answer you if you contact us (we keep track of the messages you send us and of our answers, so we can provide you with an optimized service if you come back to us);
  • to process job applications;
  • more generally, for business development purposes.

Your personal data is processed and used for other purposes only when you have given your consent to it or when such consent is presumed. Without this consent, your data will for instance not be used for advertising purposes. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, using the options made available to you on our communication media or, in general, by writing to the Faurecia Data Protection Officer at the address indicated in the preamble to this Policy.

Hug Engineering only processes your data as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected. At the end of this period, the data is either erased or irretrievably anonymized.


5. Is your data transmitted to third parties?

Your personal data is stored either in our database and on our server or, if need be, on the servers of a subcontractor processing data on our behalf.

Since Hug Engineering is a global company, teams processing data may be located in various countries, including outside the European Economic Area, in countries where the protection level of personal data is not equivalent to the one existing in the EEA. This is for instance the case of the company hosting our Website.

In this case, Hug Engineering will ensure that these internal or external teams are subject to similar obligations to those existing in the EEA, for example through standard clauses or binding corporate rules.

We also would like to specify that, in the case you would use social plugins or your Facebook or LinkedIn account, these social networks may have access to some information (see below for more information).

Note that, if we are bought by or merged with another company, or if the group is restructured, your personal data will be transferred to the new entity. If this hypothesis were to ever happen, we would apply the same rules as those set forth in this Policy to your personal data as well as to your rights as for the use thereof.

However, because of applicable legal rules, and in some cases, we will have to transmit your personal data to third parties, for instance if we presume infringement or misuse of our Site. Where appropriate, we have to transmit your data to the competent authorities.

Our Website contains hypertext links leading to the websites of other companies. If you click on these links, you will be redirected to the sites of these companies. You will notice it among other things because of the URL changes. We are not liable for the confidentiality of the processing of your data by these providers, as we have no influence over their privacy policy.


6. Use of cookies

We use cookies in order to make the visit of our Site more interesting and to make the use of additional features possible. Cookies are text files that are stored on the user’s computer when he/she browses a site.

We use for example:

  • “Session” cookies: they are stored in your browser during your browser session only, i.e. until you leave the Website;
  • “Persistent” cookies: they remain in your browser after the session (unless you have deleted them).
  • “Performance” cookies: they collect information about the use you make of the Website, such as which webpages you have visited and which error messages you may have received; the information collected is aggregated in a way that makes it anonymous: they do not collect information of identified people. Performance cookies are used to improve the way a website works.
  • “Functionality” cookies: through these cookies, the Website remembers choices you make (for instance changes to text size or customized pages) and you can use services such as commenting on a blog.
  • “Advertising” cookies related to the content we make available on the Website.

Specifically, here are some examples of the cookies we use:












Retention period




Used to distinguish users.

24 hours


Used to throttle request rate.

1 minute


Used to distinguish users.

14 month


You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by changing your browser settings so that cookies are not accepted or so that you receive a notification before a cookie is stored. However, this may result in our Internet offer being limited.

Your browser help menu will let you know how to express or change your cookie preferences:


As far as mobile devices are concerned, the following pages will let you know how to express or change your cookie preferences:


7. Use of Google Analytics

Our Site uses Google Analytics, a cookie-based web analytics tool owned by Google lnc ("Google"). Through the Google Analytics cookie, we can analyze your use of our Website. The information generated by the cookie and relating to your use of this Site is generally transferred to and stored on a Google server in the United States.

This Site uses the Google Analytics extension " anonymizelp" that anonymizes IP addresses. This anonymization guarantees that Google will shorten your IP address within the EU Member States and in the other countries belonging to the European Economic Area so that any direct identification of the users is excluded. In exceptional cases, the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. At Hug Engineering ‘s request, Google will use this information to analyze the way you use the Site, to compile reports on the activity on the Site, and to provide Hug Engineering with other services related to the use of its Site and of Internet. As part of the use of Google Analytics, the IP address transmitted by your browser will not be cross-checked with other information held by Google. You can disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting for your browser (see paragraph 6 above). In addition, you can prevent the transmission to Google of the information that is generated by the cookie and specific to the use of the Website (including your IP address), as well as the processing of such data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser module by clicking on the following link:


8. Use of social plug-ins

Our Site uses social plug-ins from Facebook & Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube, respectively owned by Facebook lnc., 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, LinkedIn Headquarters 2029 Stierlin Ct. Ste. 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, Twitter lnc., 795 St. Folsom, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, and Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, 94043, USA. These social plug-ins may be recognized through their respective logos. When you visit our Site, your browser does not establish any connection through these plug-ins with the servers of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google or Twitter.

In order to protect your data at best when you use our Site, we have integrated these plug-ins so that the connection to the social network operator is established only when you activate the plug-in by clicking on the corresponding icon (for example the Facebook "Like" button). When the connection is established by activating the plug-in, we have no influence on how much data is collected by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google. To our knowledge, the following information is collected:

Through the interaction with one of the social plug-ins, the social network operator concerned receives the information concerning the web page of our Site that you have viewed. If at the same time, you are connected to a social network, the operator of this social network can also associate the corresponding visits of your account to the social network. In addition, by activating a social plug-in, for example by clicking on the "Like" button or by posting a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted to the social network. Even if you are not a member of one of the social networks mentioned, it is possible that they can recover and even register your IP address through the plug-in when you click on it.

For more details about the scope and purpose of the processing, collection and use of data by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google, as well as about your rights and configuration options, we suggest that you read following privacy policies:


If you are a customer of one of the social networks listed hereabove, but you do not want it to collect your data from our Website and link them to your user account, you must disconnect from the social network before clicking on a plug-in.

In addition, our Website contains hypertext links to Hug Engineering publications on social networks. The companies that publish them put at your disposal, directly on their respective sites, information concerning the processing of your personal data.


9. Protection of recorded data

When we collect data or our subcontractor that collects it on our behalf, we save it on particularly secure servers. Access to those is only allowed to a limited number of persons responsible for technical, commercial or editorial maintenance. In order to prevent any loss or misuse of the data stored by Hug Engineering, we take technical and operational security measures that are regularly controlled and updated in line with technological developments. Depending on the typology of the collected data and of its purposes, the processing is carried out only by authorized personnel in accordance with our requirements of confidentiality and security in the constitution of files, exchanges with our partners and subcontractors, and the transfer of this data.


10. Your rights relating to the personal data we record

We remind you that you have the right:

  • to be informed of whether we record your data, what data is affected, and how your data is processed.
  • to access your data;
  • to oppose for legitimate reasons to the processing of your data, in particular to the processing of your data for business development purposes;
  • to restrict certain uses of your data without erasing them;
  • to rectify information that, despite our efforts to maintain an accurate and up-to-date database, would be incorrect, as well as to ask us to delete some information;
  • to challenge the way your personal data is processed;
  • to withdraw your consent at any time (in cases where we rely on your consent to process your data);
  • to define guidelines regarding what happens to your personal data after your death pursuant to Article 32 of the Law of 6 January 1978.


To exercise your rights (provided that you prove your identity to us), we remind you that you may contact the Data Protection Officer:

  • by email to the address;
  • or by mail, by writing to the Faurecia Data Protection Officer, 23-27 rue des Champs Pierreux, 92 000 Nanterre Cedex – France.

We will do our best to answer your questions regarding the processing of your personal data. Nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with the answers given to you, you can, if you wish, submit a complaint to the CNIL according to the terms and conditions indicated on its website (


11. Modification of this Privacy

Policy Hug Engineering reserves the right to modify at any time this Privacy Policy when necessary, for example when introducing new features or to comply with new legal provisions. We therefore invite you to read it regularly when visiting our Site: it can be viewed at any time by clicking on the "Legals" link in the footer of all pages of the Site. If a significant change to our Privacy Policy became necessary, we would notify you by any means, reminding you that you can delete your data if the changes would unfortunately not satisfy you.