ABS Type Approval Received

ABS Type Approval Received


ABS Type Approval for SCR Aftertreatment System Received.

Hug Engineering, the leading company in exhaust gas aftertreatment for the global maritime industry, today announced that its innovative variNOxTM SCR aftertreatment solution has received the product type approval certificate by ABS.

The type approval from leading ship classification American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) was issued in June 2019 after an intensive quality testing period.

Hug Engineering’s variNOxTM SCR aftertreatment system is a proven, low-maintenance, easy to use, and reliable technology, supporting the shipping industry in complying with the clean air regulations. The system has already been installed on various vessels in the past years.


We are proud to have finally received the type approval that makes it easier and faster for our customers to achieve the ABS class certification. Furthermore, it provides shipowners, operators, and charterers with a level of assurance when investing in a Hug Engineering Solution.

Daniel Hug,
Manager Classification and Certification at Hug Engineering.


This ABS type approval forms another important milestone in our roadmap to a cleaner environment.
You can also find us in the ABS type approval database:

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